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Totnes residents to have their say on the future of their town


21 September 2023

It’s nearly time for Totnes residents to have their say on whether they want to approve a neighbourhood plan for their town.

Today, Thursday 21 September, South Hams District Council’s Executive Committee has agreed that the Totnes Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to a referendum. This follows scrutiny of the plan by an independent examiner.

If approved by local residents, the plan will be used to help determine planning applications within Totnes parish.

The plan sets out a range of planning objectives and policies reflecting the hopes and aspirations of the community. The process of preparing the plan was led by a working group on behalf of the Town Council and included a variety of public topics groups and engagement events.

The date of the public referendum is to be confirmed and details will be published on the South Hams District Council website.

Cllr Dan Thomas, Deputy Leader and Lead Member for Planning, at South Hams District Council, said: “An awful lot of hard work led by local community groups has gone into the development of the neighbourhood plan. It is so important that every voice across the Totnes community is heard, so please have your say when we go to the polls.

“This is one of many neighbourhood plans being developed across the District, where we are working with communities to help shape the future of their areas across the South Hams.”

 To read the full report, go to: www.southhams.gov.uk/Executive

 You can also watch the meeting at: www.youtube.com/user/southhamscouncil

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